Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Money Don't Work 4 Me :-(

This afternoon, i went to a local investment company to redeem my mutual fund investment. Sad to hear that the fund which i invested 2 years ago at $15,000 currently valued at $13,659. then i ask the staff, currently, which fund is the best to invest in?... she said"The overseas fund".

A decade ago, average people invested in their country except for the Rich.

Now, everybody can invest anywhere you want. Thousands of individuals and companies that are spending billions of dollars to exploit its access to hundreds of millions global investors.

Now I'm thingking of being an Investment Strategiest, at least for my own good. coz Money will disappear if I make a bad investment decision...

The desire alone is not enough.. I HAVE TO BE PREPARED, KNOWLEDGEABLE AND DISCIPLINED..... I need to further my studies in Financial Planning coz my degree in accounting & finance can't help me to make money work for me... SLOW BUT SURELY MY MONEY WILL WORK FOR ME


Dhani said...

mat yie. nok menulis utk GERAK tak? hehehe.:P

salam perubahan !

selepas membaca blog dan laman yang berkaitan saya sebenarnya amat berminat
untuk menghadiri function tersebut khususnya untuk kenal-kenal dengan anak
muda yang muda jiwanya (heeee sebab ramai bebudak muda sekarang otak macam
org tua maybe sebab banyak baca kosmo dan metro)...... bukan apa nak kenal
kawan2 baru..............bosan di kelilingi politician n aktivis yang
terlalu serius....

tapi faisal....11 - 12 saya ada prog. kem motivasi di janda baik....compny
saya jadi consultantnyer.........so sori sesangat....maybe next time

apapun saya dah fwdkan pengumuman aktiviti ini kepada ramai kawan2

hope sukses.............

satu lagi faisal dan kawan2 dijemput untuk menulis, melukis untuk laman
www.gerakmalaysia.org kami amat memerlukan dokongan anak muda seperti faisal
untuk sama memperjuangkan agenda masa depan kita.................

waqas said...

Forex trading, like any form of investment, requires careful planning, knowledge, and risk management to be successful. It's important to remember that forex trading carries risks and there are no guarantees of immediate or consistent profits.

If you're struggling with your finances, it may be helpful to assess your overall financial situation and explore different avenues for improving your financial well-being. This could include budgeting, reducing expenses, increasing income through alternative means, seeking financial advice, or exploring other investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.Read more
